"By signing up for our lease program you are offsetting the carbon footprint of your entire family!"

Environmental Impact
The environmental benefits from going solar are enormous.


For example, installing 48 panels on your home is equivalent to taking 40 cars off the road for one year and planting 385 trees. By signing up for our lease program you are offsetting the carbon footprint of your entire family! In addition to saving money without having to put anything down, you are also helping the environmsent. Our lease program is a win-win.

Homeowners Now is the time to go solar!

Take advantage of the tax credits for solar! As the nation's leader in no up-front payment solar installations and low month-to-month service agreements, Broadstreet Energy has made going solar easier than ever.

Why are people choosing Broadstreet Energy?

The answer is simple. There are no start-up costs and the savings are substantial. Here is an example from a recent client. He was paying $336 a month, and by going solar reduced his bill to $235 a month. That is a savings of $101 a month, without paying anything upfront. In addition to his immediate savings, his new solar payment is locked in at a fixed rate of $235 and will never increase. Utility bills have been rising at 6.7% a year for the past 30 years. With solar, his savings will increase by 6.7% or more per year.

For this house, he saves over $9,000 in the first 5 years, and $112,000 by the end of the 20 year lease. Again, this is with no money upfront.

"More energy from the sun hits the Earth in an hour then the world uses in one year!"